Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 2 with Cloth

The cloth diaper world is so new to me. I had this idea that it would be impossible to cloth diaper. I thought it was too difficult, too costly, and too much work. I am really surprised at how easy it has been to transition over from disposable to cloth. 
Showing off Redding's new gDiaper

To get us started I bought some hybrid diapers, the gDiapers.  This is only day two but so far the cons for gDiapers are not as strong as the pros. 

Don't like: 
  •  how the plastic rubs up against Redding's skin in the front. 
  •  She has a few red marks on her legs. I'm not sure if that's because of the gDiaper or if it's the way we are placing the diaper on her. 
  • The way they fit her.
  • How easy it is to take out the used pod and insert a new one.
  • Being able to reuse the shell several times before needing to wash. 
  • How easy they are to clean.
  • Easy transition from disposable to cloth. 

I do like this hybrid but I think I'm more interested in trying the AI2's. I want to be able to use the shell more than once. I want her skin to touch only soft material. I am currently trying to place an order for Softbums Echo and Omni. 

They should arrive within ten days. 
I'm excited to try new diapers until we find the perfect fit for our family.

I will be posting up some links to blogs that have been really helpful over there --->

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Jumping in

This is my first blog post. I was diagnosed with Lupus in 09' after suffering with complications a few weeks after my wedding. I was told that my Lupus was too active to become pregnant.  In May, 2011 we learned that we were expecting.

In January we welcomed our little Redding. She is almost 4 months old and I'm ready to start on a new adventure. Cloth Diapers!  I'm currently running around to a ton of blogs looking for information on cloth diapers. The main thing I've learned is there isn't a perfect answer on where to start. It's dependent on what the parents want to do, and baby.  I ordered 3 AIO ( all in one) diapers. I also bought 2 gDiapers. We are going to try those on Redding today. 

Fingers crossed.